Selection of projects, BA, Master and PhD theses supervised by Dagmar Reichardt:
2nd semester
Migrant Narratives of a Transcultural Sea: Reflections and Practices for Inclusion

Narrazioni transculturali negli interstizi tra storia e antropologia, letteratura e fumetto, performance e musica, held in the frame of the lecture and teaching series Narrazioni migranti di un mare transculturale. Riflessioni e pratiche per l'inclusione, co-teaching unit held together with Prof. em. Iain Chambers (Università L'Orientale Federico II di Napoli), coordinated by Professor Raffaele Tumino (Università di Macerata), online webinar at University of Macerata, Macerata, Italy, Aula D - Ex Monastero S. Chiara, 9.4.2024, 11-13 h.
What is Transculturality? - What is Art?
What is Transculturality? - What is Art?, compact course held in the frame of the MA-course Creative Industries and Growth Management, (co-taught with Ieva Zemite), Latvian Academy of Culture, Rīga, Latvia, 10.-14.6.2024, 17:30-20:45 h.
1st semester
New Textualities and New Alphabets of Communication
Series of lectures held at the Department of Education and Human Sciences of the University of Modena/Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE)/Italy in English language: 1) World Culture and Italophonia – Glocal Transculturalizations in Postmodern Times: Part 1, 7.11.2023, 10:15 - 12:30 h, L 0.3 (lab. inf.); 2) World Culture and Italophonia – Glocal Transculturalizations in Postmodern Times: Introduction, Postgraduate workshop for Ph.D. students, 9.11.2023, 10:15 - 12:30 h, L1. (lab 3a+b); 3) World Culture and Italophonia – Glocal Transculturalizations in Postmodern Times: Workshop, Master Course, 9.11.2023, 15:15 - 17:30 h, L1. (lab 3a+b); 4) World Culture and Italophonia – Glocal Transculturalizations in Postmodern Times: Part 2, Postgraduate workshop for Ph.D. students, 14.11.2023, 10:15 - 12:30 h, L1. (lab 3a+b); all courses co-taught in the frame of the course unit New textualities and new alphabets of communication organized by Prof. Stefano Calabrese, in cooperation with the master programs Media Education per le discipline letterarie e l'editoria (courses of study: Tecnologie digitali per l'Editoria, il Patrimonio culturale e l'Edutainment, Media Education per le Discipline Letterarie nella Scuola Secondaria, and open public course study), with the Scienze della formazione primaria (course of study: Schema Automatico per il PDS: PDS0-2011), and with the Scienze pedagogiche (courses of study: Scienze umane per la ricerca pedagogica, and Consulenza e progettazione educative), Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Palazzo Baroni (ex seminario vescovile), Viale Timavo, 93, I-42121 Reggio Emilia, Italy, 1-30 November 2023.
2nd semester
Posttraumatic and Postcolonial Aspects in the Arts

Posttraumatic and Postcolonial Aspects in the Arts and Their Multifaceted Connections to Therapeutic Parameters, all day seminar held in the frame of the 2nd European Art Therapy congress Growing Together, organized by the European Federation of Art Therapy (EFAT) together with the Art Academy of Latvia and Rīga Stradiņš University (Medical School), students assessments valid for the MA-course Creative Industries and Growth Management (co-taught with Ieva Zemite for the Latvian Academy of Culture), Art Academy of Latvia, O. Kalpaka bulvāris 13, Centra rajons, LV-1050 Rīga, Latvia, 16.6.2023, 9:30-17:30 h.
Transcultural Labs & Italophonia: Fluidity and Viscosity in Postmigration Literary Discourses

Transcultural Labs & Italophonia. Selected Case Studies of Fluidity and Viscosity in Postmigration Literary Discourses, held in the frame of Journée d’études: La littérature européenne de la postmigration: théorie et cartographie, Doctoral and Postdoctoral class, organized in the spring term of the ARC NarraMuse project by Prof. Dr. Costantino Maeder, Prof. Dr. Hubert Roland, and Dr. Amaury Déhoux, Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, auditorium: MORE 54, 23 May 2023, 14:00-14:30 h.
Transculturalism: Heading for a New Postmigration Era
Transculturalism: Heading for a New Postmigration Era, held in the frame of Journée d’études: La littérature européenne de la postmigration: théorie et cartographie, Doctoral and Postdoctoral class, organised in the spring term of the ARC NarraMuse project by Prof. Dr. Costantino Maeder, Prof. Dr. Hubert Roland, and Dr. Amaury Déhoux, Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, hall: MORE 54, 23 May 2023, 10:00-12:30 h.
1st semester
World Literature
"Jhumpa Lahiri e una cultura mondo a venire", course unit taught in the frame of the seminar World Literature for advanced MA-students and Research Master students, organized and coordinated by Franca Sinopoli, chair for Literary Critique and Comparative Literature (Critica letteraria e letterature comparate), Department of Modern Literature and Culture (Lettere e Culture Moderne), Faculty of Arts and Philosophy (Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia), La Sapienza Università di Roma (University of Rome "Roma 1"), auditorium C, IVth floor of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Rome/Italy, 13.12.2022, 17.00-19.00 h (Amsterdam/Berlin/Rome time).
2nd semester
Stories of Cultural Conflict and Encounter

"Afghanistan and Syria in the Female Eye of the German Photographer Yvonne von Schweinitz", co-taught with Claus Friede, Summer School Course Stories of Cultural Conflict and Encounter: Transmitting and Writing New Identities for MA-students, Research Master students and PhD-students in Humanities/Social Sciences/Philosophy, coordinated by Jeanette den Toonder, Petra Broomans, and Nannie de Graaff, Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen/The Netherlands, 22.-26.8.2022, 25.8.2022, 10.00-12.00 h (Amsterdam/Berlin/Rome time).
What is Art?
"What is Art? Theoretical Concepts of Communication in the Context of Arts", introductory lecture held in the frame of the course "Arts Conceptualization Strategies and Contexts" (unit 1/3) followed by a research training based on specific case studies (unit 2/3) and readings of seminal essays (unit 3/3), Masterclass taught at the Latvian Academy of Culture in the frame of the Department Program "Creative Industries and Growth Management", Riga/Latvia, all zoom webinars in English language held on the days: 17.5.2022, 31.5.2022, 7.6.2022, always 17:30-19:45 h (Latvian/Helsinki Time).
2nd semester
Arts Conceptualization Strategies and Contexts
"The Transcultural Language of the Arts", introductory lecture held in the frame of the course "Arts Conceptualization Strategies and Contexts" (unit 1/3) followed by a research training based on specific case studies (unit 2/3) and readings of a seminal textbook (unit 3/3), Masterclass taught at the Latvian Academy of Culture in the frame of the Department Program "Creative Industries and Growth Management", Riga/Latvia, all zoom webinars in English language held on the days: 10.4.2021, 12.6.2021, 19.6.2021, always 14-17 h (Latvian/Helsinki Time).
Introduction to Transcultural Studies (Part 2)
"Einführung in Transkulturelle Studien, Teil 2: Transkulturelle Narrative und Diskurse in der Mediengeschichte und Kulturindustrie", with guest lectures held by publisher Frauke Ahlers (Lotte Verlag, Bad Nauheim, Germany), author Birgit Brauburger (from Birgit Brauburger's Consulting and Communication Office, Beratung und Kommunikation, Rockenberg, Germany) and literary critic Cornelia Jenztsch (Texturen, Oberuckersee, Germany), Masterclass held at the Latvian Academy of Culture, Department of International Culture and Media Management, Riga/Latvia, [realized in a full online webinar format due to the COVID-19-pandemic], 11.-14.5.2021.
The Art of Mixing Cultures, People, Disciplines, Styles and Languages
"The Art of Mixing Cultures, People, Disciplines, Styles and Languages in Postmodern Transcultural Literature", co-taught with the Italo-African writer Igiaba Scego, Summerschool course Beyond Horizons - Migrant and Minority Literature: Transmitting and Writing New Identities for MA-students, Research Master students and PhD-students in Humanities/Social Sciences/Philosophy, coordinated by Petra Broomans, Jeanette den Toonder and Nannie de Graaff, Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen/The Netherlands, 16.-20.8.2021, 19.8.2021, 10.00-11.30 h (Amsterdam/Berlin/Rome time).
View the announcement for the Summer School "Beyond Horizons" 2021
1st semester
Introduction to Transcultural Studies (Part 1)
"Einführung in Transkulturelle Studien, Teil 1", with a guest lecture held by Elke Sturm-Trigonakis (Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece) about her latest publication World Literature and the Postcolonial. Narratives of (Neo) Colonialization in a Globalized World ("Von der Neuen Weltliteratur zu einer Weltliteratur des (Post-)Kolonialen – Etappen eines Forschungswegs"), Masterclass held at the Latvian Academy of Culture, Department of International Culture and Media Management, Riga/Latvia, [realized in a full online webinar format due to the COVID-19-pandemia], 23.-27.9.2020.
Invitation to join the public lecture by Professor Sturm-Trigonakis online
2nd semester
Basic Communication Theories and Tools with a focus on Digital and Creative Storytelling
"Grundlegende Kommunikationstheorien und -tools. Schwerpunkt: Digitales und Kreatives Storytelling", Masterclass held at the Latvian Academy of Culture, Department of International Culture and Media Management, Riga/Latvia, [realized in a full online webinar format due to the COVID-19-pandemia], 27.-30.4.2020.
1st semester
Kulturwirtschaft und digitale Kommunikation, Teil I

"Einführung in die Kulturwirtschaft und digitale Kommunikation", part 1, guest: Prof. Maria Paola Scialdone (Università di Macerata, Italy), Masterclass held at the Latvian Academy of Culture, Department of International Culture and Media Management, Riga/Latvia, 22.9.-25.9.2019.
Read the article by Gesa Detlefsen about this seminar on p. 25-27 of "Mail aus Riga"
2nd semester
Colloquium for Postgraduate Students
"Kolloquium für Doktoranden", class for postgraduate students held at the Latvian Academy of Culture LAC, Department of International Culture and Media Management, Graduate Center, Riga/Latvia, 27.5.2019, 10-16 h.
Intercultural Competence and Migration in Anthropocentric Linguistics, Film and Literature
"Interkulturelle Kompetenz und Migration in der anthropozentrischen Linguistik, im Film und in der Literatur", co-taught with Dr. Agnieszka Dickel (University of Warsaw) and Dr. Reinhold Uri (University of Warsaw), in the frame of the course "Musik-, Theater- und Medienindustrie: Produktionsästhetik und Performanz", part 2, Masterclass held at the Latvian Academy of Culture, Department of International Culture and Media Management, Riga/Latvia, 24.-25.5.2019.
Musik-, Theater- und Medienindustrie: Produktionsästhetik und Performanz, Teil II
"Music, Theater and Media Industry: Aesthetics of Production and Performance", part 2, Masterclass held at the Latvian Academy of Culture, Department of International Culture and Media Management, Riga/Latvia, 22.-26.5.2019
The Transcultural Language of "Minority" Cultures

"The Transcultural Language of 'Minority' Cultures: A Case-Study on 'Italy Beyond Borders'", Summerschool course Beyond Horizons: Migrant and Minority Literature Transmitting and Writing New Identities for MA-students, Research Master students and PhD-students in Humanities/Social Sciences/Philosophy, coordinated by Petra Broomans, Jeanette den Toonder and Nannie de Graaff, Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen/The Netherlands, Room 1312.0018, 18.-23.8.2019, 22.8.2019, 9.30-10.30 h
1st semester
Colloquium for Postgraduate Students
"Kolloquium für Doktoranden", class for postgraduate students held at the Latvian Academy of Culture LAC, Department of International Culture and Media Management, Graduate Center, Riga/Latvia, 8.10.2018, 10-16 h.
Dacia Maraini about Mafia issues

In conversation with Dacia Maraini about Mafia issues and her play "Mi chiamo Antonino Calderone", workshop co-taught with Rotraud von Kulessa, organized by Prof. Dr. Rotraud von Kulessa, Universität Augsburg, Italian-French Department of Philology and History, University of Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany, 28.1.2019, room D 4056, 10:00-12:00 h.
Italophonia - Italian Transculturalisations Around the Globe

Italophonia - Italian Transculturalisations Around the Globe, Doctoral Class addressing Master, PhD, and Post-Doc students as well as participants of the Collegio Leopardi, co-taught with Carla Carotenuto and Michela Meschini, lectures and workshops held in the frame of the Visiting Professor Program of University of Macerata, University of Macerata, Italy, 15.10.-15.12.2018.
Read the news about this course on the LAC website
Medical Humanities and Storytelling as Ethical Tools
"Medical Humanities und Storytelling als Mittel der Ethikaufklärung", co-taught with Dr. Katharina Fürholzer (University of Ulm), in the frame of "Musik-, Theater- und Medienindustrie: Produktionsästhetik und Performanz", part 1, Masterclass held at the Latvian Academy of Culture, Department of International Culture and Media Management, Riga/Latvia, 6.10.2018
Musik-, Theater- und Medienindustrie: Produktionsästhetik und Performanz, Teil I
"Music, Theater and Media Industry: Aesthetics of Production and Performance", part 1, guest: Dr. Katharina Fürholzer (University of Ulm), Masterclass held at the Latvian Academy of Culture, Department of International Culture and Media Management, Riga/Latvia, 3.-7.10.2018
2nd semester
Case-Studies on Italy "Beyond Borders"

"The Transcultural Language of 'Minority' Cultures: Case-studies on Italy 'Beyond borders'", course unit for "Beyond Horizons: Transmitting and Writing New Identities of Minorities and Migrants in and Beyond Europe", Summerschool course for MA-students, Research Master students and PhD-students in Humanities/Social Sciences/Philosophy, coordinated by Petra Broomans and Jeanette den Toonder, Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen/The Netherlands, Academiegebouw (room: A12), 17.-22.6.2017, 18.6.2018, 9.30-17 h.
Colloquium for Postgraduate Students
"Kolloquium für Doktoranden: Kulturtheoretische Fallstudien", class for postgraduate students held at the Latvian Academy of Culture LAC, Department of International Culture and Media Management, Graduate Center, Riga/Latvia, 23.4.2018, 10-17 h.
Kulturwirtschaft und digitale Kommunikation, Teil II
"Einführung in die Kulturwirtschaft und digitale Kommunikation", part 2, guests: Donatella Brioschi (Istituto Italiano di Cultura Hamburg) and Mariella Martini-Merschmann (Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg), Masterclass held at the Latvian Academy of Culture, Department of International Culture and Media Management, Riga/Latvia, 18.-22.4.2018
Transcultural Didactics in Language Teaching Classes
"Transkulturelle Didaktik: Musik und Italienisch als Universalsprachen im Fremdsprachenunterricht", co-taught with Donatella Brioschi (Istituto Italiano di Cultura Hamburg) and Mariella Martini-Merschmann (Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg), in the frame of "Kulturwirtschaft und digitale Kommunikation", part 2, Masterclass held at the Latvian Academy of Culture, Department of International Culture and Media Management, Riga/Latvia, 19.4.2018
1st semester
European Students' Exchange Programs and the Erasmus Experience in Politics, Film and Lifeworlds
"My Erasmus Experience from RIga to Hamburg", co-taught in English with Agnese Kumpiņa (Latvian Academy of Riga LAC), held in the frame of "Kulturwirtschaft und digitale Kommunikation", part 1, Masterclass held at the Latvian Academy of Culture, Department of International Culture and Media Management, Riga/Latvia, 28.9.2017
Kulturwirtschaft und digitale Kommunikation, Teil I
"Einführung in die Kulturwirtschaft und digitale Kommunikation", part 1, guest: Agnese Kumpiņa (Latvian Academy of Riga LAC), Masterclass held at the Latvian Academy of Culture, Department of International Culture and Media Management, Riga/Latvia, 28.9.-1.10.2017
2nd semester
Die postkoloniale, migratorische und transkulturelle Zeichensprache der "Moda Made in Italy"
"The Postcolonial, Migratory und Transcultural Sign Language of Italian Fashion and Moda Made in Italy", lecture series "Literature of Romance Languages and the Other Arts" ("Literatur der Romania und die anderen Künste“) by Prof. Dr. Rotraud von Kulessa, Lecture, University of Augsburg, Institute for Romance Literature French/Italian, Augsburg, Bukowina-Institute, 18.1.2017, 8-10 a.m.
History of Italian Cinema
"History of Italian CInema", co-taught in English with Dr. Luigi Saitta (RAI - Radio Televisione Italiana), in the frame of "Transkulturelle Narrative der Musik-, Theater- und Festivalgeschichte", part 2, Masterclass held at the Latvian Academy of Culture, Department of International Culture and Media Management, Riga/Latvia, 13.5.2017
The Polyphonic Language of Transculturality

"The Polyphonic Language of Transculturality", course unit for "Beyond Horizons: Transmitting and Writing New Identities of Minorities and Migrants in and Beyond Europe", Summerschool course for MA-students, Research Master students and PhD-students in Humanities/Social Sciences/Philosophy, coordinated by Petra Broomans and Jeanette den Toonder, Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen/The Netherlands, 18.-23.6.2017, 20.6.2017, 9.30-12.30 h
Check the program and the lecturers' biographies by following these links:
Read reviews and announcements of this course:
- "Summer School Beyond Horizons 2017", online feuilleton, www.kultur-port.de, sections "News", 18.3.2017, http://www.kultur-port.de/index.php/kunst-kultur-news/14096-summer-school-beyond-horizons-2017.html
- "Auf nach Holland: Summer School Beyond Horizons, 18.-23.6.2017", Homepage of the Latvian Academy of Culture, Section "News" ("Forschung + News"), 17.3.2017, http://kulturmedien-riga.de/news/forschung/85-summer-school-%E2%80%9Cbeyond-horizons%E2%80%9D-2017.html
- "Bewegliche Kulturhorizonte inner- und außerhalb Europas. Beyond Horizons 2017", background-article about the making of a summer school, by Dagmar Reichardt, e-paper Mail aus Riga, n. 129 (2017), p. 27-34.
- "Collaborazione tra la AIPI Summer School e la Summer School Beyond Horizons dell'Università di Groninga", announcement of cooperation on the homepage of AIPI - Associazione Internazionale Professori d'Italiano, http://www.infoaipi.org/segnal.asp
Transkulturelle Narrative der Musik-, Theater- und Festivalgeschichte, Teil II
"Transcultural narratives in the History of Music, Theater and Festivals", part 2, guest: Luigi Saitta, Masterclass held at the Latvian Academy of Culture, Department of International Culture and Media Management, Riga/Latvia, 10.-14.5.2017
1st semester
Transkulturelle Narrative der Musik-, Theater- und Festivalgeschichte, Teil I
"Transcultural narratives in the History of Music, Theater and Festivals", part 1, co-taught with Claus Friede, Masterclass held at the Latvian Academy of Culture, Department of International Culture and Media Management, Riga/Latvia, 21.-25.9.2016
2nd semester
Beyond Horizons: Transmitting and Writing New Identities

Beyond Horizons: Transmitting and Writing New Identities
co-taught with Petra Broomans and Jeanette den Toonder
Summerschool for MA-students, Research Master students and PhD-students in Humanities/Social Sciences/Philosophy, "Beyond Horizons: Transmitting and Writing New Identities of Minorities and Migrants in Europe", Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen/The Netherlands; 12.-17.6.2016
Read a review of this course:
Musik-, Theater- und Medienindustrie: Produktionsästhetik und Performanz, Teil II
"Music, Theater and Media Industry: Aesthetics of Production and Performance", part 2, Masterclass held at the Latvian Academy of Culture, Department of International Culture and Media Management, Riga/Latvia, 20.-24.4.2016
1st semester
Masterclass Interculturality: Traveling Concepts and Moving Cultures
"Masterclass Interculturality: Traveling Concepts and Moving Cultures", co-taught with Mieke Bal and Einar Petterson, Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome (KNIR), workshop for MA-students, Research Master students and PhD-students held in cooperation with University of Amsterdam, University of Oslo, and Fondation Erica Sauter Genève, Rome/Italy, 7.-16.10.2015
Musik-, Theater- und Medienindustrie: Produktionsästhetik und Performanz, Teil I
"Music, Theater and Media Industry: Aesthetics of Production and Performance", part 1, Masterclass held at the Latvian Academy of Culture, Department of International Culture and Media Management, Riga/Latvia, 24.-26.9.2015
2nd semester
BA-Thesis on Italian Literature: Middle Ages – today / Ba-scriptie Italiaanse literatuur: middeleeuwen – hedden
BA thesis course, Romance Literatures and Cultures/Italian (RTC), University of Groningen/The Netherlands; 3 HWS; LRI996B10 and LRI995B10
Beyond Horizons: Transmitting and Writing New Identities

co-taught with Petra Broomans and Jeanette den Toonder
Summerschool for MA-students, Research Master students and PhD-students in Humanities/Social Sciences/Philosophy, "Beyond Horizons: Transmitting and Writing New Identities of Minorities and Migrants in Europe", Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen/The Netherlands; 21.-26.6.2015
Italian Language Proficiency 1 (1st Year Italian Studies) / Taalvaardigheid Italiaans 1 (Italiaans studiejaar 1), Major 1 (A1/A2)
co-taught with Fabio Galati
BA basis language course, Italian Proficiency 1, Major 1 (A1/A2), University of Groningen/The Netherlands; 3 HWS; LRI020P15
Italophonia - Italian Language and Culture Around the Globe
co-taught with Fabio Galati
BA basic course European Languages and Cultures (Europese talen en culturen ETC) and Romance Languages and Cultures (Romaanse talen en culturen RTC), University of Groningen/The Netherlands; 3 HWS; LRI026B10
Kulturwirtschaft und digitale Kommunikation, Teil II
"Creative Industry and Digital Communication", part 2, Masterclass held at the Latvian Academy of Culture, Department of International Cultural and Media Management, Riga/Latvia, 23.-30.4.2015
Thinking Like Leonardo. A Cultural History of Italy
BA basic course European Languages and Cultures (Europese talen en culturen ETC), University of Groningen/The Netherlands; 3 HWS; LRI025B10
1st semester
Kulturwirtschaft und digitale Kommunikation, Teil I
"Creative Industry and Digital Communication", part 1, Masterclass held at the Latvian Academy of Culture, Department of International Cultural and Media Management, Riga/Latvia, 24.-28.9.2014
Living and Reading in Europe, 1200-Now
BA basic course European Languages and Cultures (Europese talen en culturen ETC)/Literature (group 5), University of Groningen/The Netherlands; 2 HWS; LEU005P05
Minority Literatures and Cultures
co-taught with Jeanette den Toonder
MA course European Languages and Cultures (Europese talen en culturen ETC)/interdisciplinary master, University of Groningen/The Netherlands; 3 HWS; LLS033M10
New Forms of Italian Literature
MA course, Nieuwe vormen van Italiaanse literatuur - New forms of Italian literature, Romance Literatures and Cultures/Italian (RTC), University of Groningen/The Netherlands; 3 HWS; LRI030M10
2nd semester
BA-Thesis Italian Literature: Middle Ages – Today / Ba-scriptie Italiaanse literatuur: middeleeuwen – hedden
BA thesis course, Romance Literatures and Cultures/Italian (RTC), University of Groningen/The Netherlands; 3 HWS; LRI996B10 and LRI995B10