- "Dacia Maraini e lo scivere meandrico", IX Congreso Internacional AUDEM Mujeres de letras: pioneras en el arte, ensayismo y la educación, Sección A - Ensayistas y literatas: Escritoras de ensayo y otros géneros que han aportado obras relevantes a la historia de la literatura, coordinated by Elena Meseguer and Isabel Guardiola, Facultad de Letras, Universidad de Murcia, Murcia/Spain, 20-21 October .2016, 21 October 2016, 9.30-10.40 h.
- "The many languages of Italian fashion", International Conference on the occasion of the 5th year of Italian Studies at the Department of Specialized and Intercultural Comunication Studies (Faculty of Applied Linguistics) at the University of Warsaw Dal monologo al polilogo: l'Italia nel mondo. Lingue, letterature e culture in contatto, organized by Anna Tylusinska-Kowalska and Elzbieta Jamrozik, University of Warsaw, 7-8 April 2017.
- "Moda - Arte - Gender. Amicizie all’italiana: la moda come ponte transculturale tra l’Italia e il mondo ", Le silhouette. Dialoghi sull'identità femminile a proposito del centenario di nascita di Magda Szabó, presentation and round table with the writers Dacia Maraini and Antonella Cilento, Accademia d'Ungheria, Via Giulia 1, Rome/Italy, 30-31 May 2017.
- "The many languages of transculturality. Ways of cultural transfer and the world of Italian fashion", course unit for "Beyond Horizons: Transmitting and Writing New Identities of Minorities and Migrants in and Beyond Europe", Summerschool course for MA-students, Research Master students and PhD-students in Humanities/Social Sciences/Philosophy, coordinated by Petra Broomans and Jeanette den Toonder, Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen/The Netherlands, 18-23 June 2017, 20 June 2017, 9.30-12.30 h.